Roller blind in PVC cassette with a guide Borneo śnieżnowhite 101

136,80 zł

Delivery cost: from 18.50 PLN
Shipping: 2 to 5 business days
  • Left
  • Right
  • White
  • Swamp oak
  • Golden oak
  • Pine
  • Winchester
Dostępne inne kolory - rozwiń zwiń

Kolor tkaniny: white 101

Choose the color of the fabric

Dostępne inne tkaniny - rozwiń zwiń

Typ tkaniny: white 101

Wybierz typ tkaniny

PVC blinds with a guide - The advantages of roller blinds in the cassette are made more attractive with lateral guides, which increase comfort of using and guarantee good protection of the fabric. Regardless of the degree of inclination of the window, the material always adjoins the frame and can be evenly curled. If you open or close the window often, it will be the perfect solution. Do you have doubts how to properly choose the size of blinds? - Please refer to our window measurement manual.

Borneo creates a modern pattern on the window glass. It is the most decorative fabric that can successfully replace a curtain. The subdued, warm colours of this series refer to the exotic climates of the tropic islands. Roller blind with this unconventional fabric will surely break the boredom.

Type of roller blindPVC cassette with a guide
Collectionwzory Borneo
Color of roller blindwhite 101
Blackout50% small
InstallationWindow mounted
Catalog colorwhite 101