Mini Roller Day-Night Blind Classiccreamy 03

47,88 zł

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    Golden oak
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Kolor tkaniny: creamy 3

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Typ tkaniny: creamy 3

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Day-Night blinds are our bestseller of recent years. Equally impressive looks in a small office and spacious living room. Day & Night Blinds provide a smooth adjustment of the amount of light entering the interior, thanks to the horizontal sections of the transparent mesh interwoven with the fabric covering belts. If you care about ensuring the privacy of your indoor space, and with this amazing decorative effect, this product will be perfect. Strip pattern is a model that will not go out of fashion. In our offer you will find two groups of fabrics that we use for this type of blinds: Classic and Exclusive.

Day-Night blinds mounting kit, as standard, has a guide wire to prevent the blinds from freezing when opening the window.

The Classic Day-Night Group is characterized by calm pastel colours as well as juicy ones or even vanguard. If you set the blind in the “day position” - the same you let the light subtly flow through the blinds of the Day / Night roller shutter in your interior to protect you from your dazzling glow. In the "night” position you close the light, and create a mood for relaxation and relaxation. Such blinds will check at any time of the day and at any time of the year.

Type of roller blindDay/Night
CollectionDay-Night Classic
Color of roller blindcreamy 03
Blackout50% small
InstallationWindow mounted, Non-invasive
Catalog colorcreamy 3