Cassette Superior roller blind Melange red 740

257,00 zł

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Kolor tkaniny: red 740

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Typ tkaniny: red 740

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Blinds in the cassette Superior a modern product combining the functionality of a free blind and blinds in the cassette. This is a novelty that has a great chance to become more popular on the Polish market. Robust aluminium cassette design also ensures a large surface area for long-term use. Replacement of several blinds in the patio or balcony window, will certainly give the interior a fresh design. We install this type of blinds to the wall or ceiling. The most visually appealing is presented in combination with Day & Night and EX fabrics.

Melange is a tasteful fabric with a unique structure of discreet grating. Very good quality material guarantees long-term use without fear of fading or fraying the sides. Melange tailored to your window will add style and harmony to the interior.

Type of roller blindCassette Superior
Collectionwzór Melange
Color of roller blindred 740
Blackout50% small
InstallationWall mounted, Ceiling mounted
Catalog colorred 740