Blackout Roller blind in PVC cassette gray 054

78,40 zł

Delivery cost: from 18.50 PLN
Shipping: 2 to 5 business days
  • Left
  • Right
  • White
  • Swamp oak
  • Golden oak
  • Pine
  • Winchester
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Dostępne inne tkaniny - rozwiń zwiń

Typ tkaniny: gray 54

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Roller blind in the PVC cassette we recommend especially for people who are looking for practical and elegant version of roller blinds. The cassette prevents dust from settling, nicely integrates into the window, and does not require any interference with the window frame at the time of assembly. The appropriate selection of fabric for this type of blinds, from a whole range of patterns and colours, we leave at your disposal.

The Blackout, darkening fabric is used to completely shut off the light source from the outside. The product is typically dedicated to bedrooms and meeting rooms. It will provide pleasant darkness even in very sunny areas, allowing you to create good conditions for work or rest.

Type of roller blindPVC cassette
CollectionZaciemniająca gładka
Color of roller blindgray 054
Blackout100% total
InstallationWindow mounted
Catalog colorgray 54